"Double your Pint’s range with the ultimate “Do It Yourself” battery upgrade. Taking your board to the next level has never been easier with our mod-free housing design. The Quart is the biggest and safest Pint battery on the market!"
Got a CBXR or a Quart? Is your head spinning trying to memorize all those voltage conversion chart numbers? We made this "cheat sheet" so you don't have to be like Zach Galifianakis at the Blackjack table.
"Double your Pint’s range with the ultimate “Do It Yourself” battery upgrade. Taking your board to the next level has never been easier with our mod-free housing design. The Quart is the biggest and safest Pint battery on the market!"
Got a CBXR or a Quart? Is your head spinning trying to memorize all those voltage conversion chart numbers? We made this "cheat sheet" so you don't have to be like Zach Galifianakis at the Blackjack table.